Do you know where your motorcycle is right now? In your garage? In the car park? In your garden? Really…? Is it? Got you thinking now hasn’t it!
How about knowing where it is every second of the day, with a text alert if someone tries to steal it & a dedicated team watching it 24/7/365 days a year.
Datatool Stealth S5
Datatool Stealth S5 offers full journey history logging and the ability to create location or event based alerts. In normal use, Stealth will record the vehicle position every 15 seconds and upload that data to the cloud every 2 minutes, giving you a permanent record of every journey. Stealth is a true pan European product, with coverage available in all of Western Europe and many countries beyond.
In addition to the tracking capabilities, Stealth also monitors the vehicle battery and will notify the owner of a low battery condition before the battery becomes completely discharged. If the battery is disconnected an alert will be sent to the monitoring team.
With 24/7 monitoring and dedicated staff, Stealth Adventure really does deliver peace of mind.
Additional features include:
- ‘G Sense’ Notifications: (Impact detection and alert): Stealth contains a highly sensitive 3D accelerometer which can detect the difference between a fall in a car park and a high speed impact. SMS notifications can be sent to emergency contacts in the event of a high G impact. Customers can enable or disable ‘G Sense’ from the user control panel.
- ‘Direct to 999’ crash alert: In addition to ‘G Sense’ impact detection and alert, every smartphone owning Stealth customer is offered the optional upgrade of ‘direct to 999’ alert.
- Location Based Alerts: Stealth provides the capability to send an alert based on the vehicle arriving or leaving a specified area. E.g. a reminder to pay a toll.
- Early Warning Alerts: At the first sign of movement, you have the option of receiving an SMS text alert.
96% Recovery Rate
Datatool Stealth S5-VTS
DATATOOL Stealth S5-VTS responds to all known methods of vehicle theft including techniques used by the modern day thief such as ‘relay theft’, ‘key cloning’ or various means in which the vehicles’ on-board computer is hacked.
Automatic Driver Recognition
Automatic Driver Recognition (ADR) tags to provide immediate theft detection if the vehicle is stolen without keys.
Supplied with Automatic Driver Recognition (ADR) tags – if the vehicle is moved without a tag detected, the unit sends an alert to our 24/7 Monitoring Centre who, in turn, will contact you to confirm whether a theft has occurred.